
Simon Lancaster氏による講義(Speak Like a Leader)の動画と音声練習指定箇所のスクリプトです。

Metaphor is probably the most powerful piece of political communication. But it’s the bit no one ever talks about, the elephant in the room, so to speak, which is extraordinary because we use metaphor once every 16 words on average. So our conversation is littered with metaphors, scattered with metaphors. We can’t speak for very long without reaching for a metaphor, and metaphors are very loaded.

So you see, metaphors are all over the place, and they are political in that they are used by people to lead people towards things, or indeed to make them recoil. And so we use beautiful images, images of people, images of love, images of family, of sunshine, in order to draw people towards things, and we use disgusting images ― vermin, scary monsters, disease, sickness, in order to make people recoil. And they’re all lies, and they are never challenged. And yet they have an enormous impact on the way that people behave and respond. There’s been research showing that changing nothing more than the metaphor in a piece of text can lead to fundamentally different reactions from people on questions ranging from whether or not they’ll invest in a company, whether or not they will back particular crime policies to even whether or not they’ll support a foreign war. And so this is really, really important stuff. And it’s all around us.

So let me just take three of the big metaphors ― three is the magic number ― three of the big metaphors that are around at the moment. “The Arab Spring”. You’ve all heard of The Arab Spring. You can’t talk about what’s going on in the Middle East without calling it an Arab Spring. “The Arab Spring”. Sun’s shining, flowers blooming. This is a time of regrowth, rebirth, rejuvenation. And yet it’s a big lie, isn’t it? Even the most optimistic, geopolitical experts look at the Middle East and say this is going to take two generations to recover. It’s not an Arab Spring; it’s an Arab Inferno.
